Sunday, February 2, 2020

Societal Changes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Societal Changes - Assignment Example We just know we do not want any part of it. Introduction The issue of stereotyping, which also leads to a form of racism, can be seen in both the population and within the police force and the type of interactions that occur. When looking for someone to blame for why certain crimes happen, it is easy to think automatically that if someone thinks, looks and acts within a narrow visual framework, then it is easy to blame that person and that group of people (Bradshaw & Roseborough, 2005). The issue of Muslims has a tender spot in the minds of many Americans who see all Muslims as perpetrators of bombings and terrorism in the country. Whenever something happens in the country, people automatically assume it was done by a Middle Eastern Muslim terrorist. As we have also seen, the bomber can also be a Western Muslim terrorist, such as in the case of the Shoe Bomber in 2001 (Elliot, 2002). 1.With the recent bombing of the Boston Marathon, and the near-beheading and death of a British soldi er on a London street, tensions have been running high with the public, particularly in England. There have been numerous protests, and police, both in England and in the United States, have been told to look for groups of people, who might commit crimes against Muslims directly, or on or around property owned by Muslims. It is very hard for people to understand that when one, or a few, members of a group have committed a crime against others, it does not mean that all people of that group will be doing that same sort of crime (Gabbidon & Greene, 2013). When people look for the enemy, the only thing they have to go on is what the enemy would typically look like. In a war, one side knows that a certain uniform represents the enemy, and that there may be other physical identifications, such as an Asian appearance, for wars conducted in World War II and Vietnam. In a more modern day, and in modern warfare conducted today, appearances are far more deceiving and it is hard to know who th e enemy is. Some have dressed up in Western army uniforms and then turned guns on unsuspecting Western soldiers. Even seeing women with burkas and, especially with full face veils, promotes the concept of hiding something that makes identification possible (Moore, 2010). Therefore, those who hide behind veils, or ski masks, are potentially considered an enemy. It would be easy to suspect that some other person may be under that burka and veil besides a normal Muslim woman. While in Muslim countries, veils are rarely given a second thought, in Western countries, it is important for Muslim people to respect parts of the society they are now living in, and to let women remove the veil so it is not so threatening. Integration with their new society is essential to their success. Living as if they were still in their own land and observing their own rules without regard to the new country, is not acceptable (Moore, 2010). 2. There are several solutions to the issue of racial profiling. A ) In the first case, Muslims can take matters into their own hands by meeting law enforcement members of their community and getting to know the neighborhood police who conduct regular beats in the area (Bradshaw & Roseborough, 2005). Making friends, or at least, acquaintances, allows the police: to 1) know who they are individually; 2) establish

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